
Nasa scientists gear up for solar storms at Mars

New evidence suggests possible existence of 'Planet Nine' beyond Neptune

Isro reveals reason behind 4-second delay in Chandrayaan-3 lift-off

The invisible spectrum: Can humans see ultraviolet light?

Include 4 hrs of physical activity, 8 hours sleep in routine for optimal health, suggests study

Nigeria is pioneering a new vaccine to fight meningitis - why this matters

What is childhood dementia? And how could new research help?

Climate change could become main driver of biodiversity decline by mid-century: Study

Study finds genetic basis for link between depression, heart disease

Doctors combine pig kidney transplant and heart device in bid to extend woman's life

How Nasa managed to reestablish contact with most distant spacecraft from Earth

Sleep apnea can be tied to air pollution, suggests new study

Aditya mission continuously sending data about Sun: Isro chief

From Apollo to Artemis: Why it's so difficult to send humans to Moon

Lyrid meteor shower: When and where to watch

Nasa satellite's 'shocking' space junk near-miss was even closer than thought

Why many policies to lower migration actually increase it

Artificial Intelligence has a measurement problem

AI a 'fundamental change in the news ecosystem': Expert

Plastic production threatens 1.5 degrees Celsius limit, new study warns

Bengaluru gets Asia’s 1st dedicated Space domain awareness centre

WHO says wider alert on contaminated J&J cough syrup 'likely'

Nasa's new frontier: Hubble telescope to probe secrets of small asteroids

How freezing embryos plays a crucial role in IVF

China's cities are sinking below sea level, study finds

IISc to pioneer ageing research with ‘Longevity India’ initiative

Human cases of bird flu 'an enormous concern': WHO

Nasa's Roman telescope achieves milestone in optical alignment

Nasa: Rare nova explosion this year to be a 'once-in-a-lifetime' viewing opportunity

How cloud seeding boosts rainfall — and why that’s controversial

Study suggests Uranus and Neptune contain Methane Ice presumed to be 'frozen water'

Sun Science at Ayodhya: IIA work critical in project ‘Surya Tilak’

Queen bumblebees surprise scientists by surviving underwater

Explore the stars: How to participate in Nasa's solar neighborhood census

Astronomers find biggest stellar black hole in Milky Way galaxy ‘by chance’

Study finds biodiversity is key to better mental health

Facing financial pressure, Nasa calls for innovative proposals to bring Mars rocks back sooner, cheaper

What Nasa said on mystery object that hit Florida man's home

Nasa confirms space station debris hit Florida man's home

Biggest since Big Bang: James Webb telescope unravels origin of 'BOAT'

How Nasa plans to tackle dust challenges on the Moon and Mars

Revealed: Mysterious red dots during total solar eclipse

Will to resist temptations, achieve goals more trustworthy than using apps, study finds

Researchers find ways to prevent idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Study reveals how specific lipids indicate tissue ageing, decreases through exercise

Japan's elderly population living alone to jump 47% by 2050: Research

James Webb telescope identifies origins of biggest explosion 'BOAT'

NASA unveils probe bound for Jupiter's possibly life-sustaining moon

What did Roman wine taste like? Much better than previously thought, according to new research

'Nasa spacecraft snaps mysterious 'surfboard' orbiting Moon'

How an amateur astronomer discovered, photographed 'sungrazer' comet during total solar eclipse